West Springs crime activity was down in June 2024
West Springs Calgary experienced one crime in June 2024, in comparison to three crimes the previous month, and two crimes in June one year ago. The West Springs community has an average of 4.2 crimes per month. On an annual basis, West Springs had a total of 50 crimes as of June 2024, which is down 32% in comparison to 73 crimes as of June 2023. Total West Springs community crimes is calculated as the sum of break & enters (dwelling, commercial, and other premises), theft from vehicles, theft of vehicles, assaults (non-domestic), commercial robberies, street robberies, and non-domestic ‘other’ violence.
West Springs Calgary had zero break and enter (B&E) crimes in June, in comparison to zero B&E crimes in May and zero B&E crimes in June 2023. On an annual basis, West Springs had a total of five B&E crimes as of June 2024, which is down from 15 B&E crimes as of June 2023.
West Springs had one vehicle related crime (theft of or theft from vehicles) in June 2024, in comparison to two vehicle related crimes in the previous month, and zero vehicle related crimes in June 2023. On an annual basis, West Springs had a total of 23 vehicle related crimes as of June 2024, which is down in comparison to 33 vehicle related crimes as of June 2023.
How To Report A Crime
Dial 911 for emergencies or crimes in progress
For non-emergencies dial (403) 266-1234
To report a crime anonymously, contact Crime Stoppers
at 1-800-222-8477 (talk, type or text),
submit tips online at crimestoppers.ab.ca
or text “tttTIPS” to 274637