Privacy Policy
Information Gathering
On our website we use the following to gather information – contact us forms and payment forms. We may ask for information such as name, address, phone number, email address, financial and billing information, such as billing name and address and credit card number. The Springside Residents’ Association only requests the minimum information required to fulfill the product or service agreements entered into. Users may opt out of providing any additional information by leaving those fields blank.
Information Use
We gather information for the Association’s use only. This may include sending additional information to interested parties who have initiated contact with us to discuss their interest in our activities. We do not distribute or share these user’s email addresses. Users can opt out of receiving information from us at any time by emailing:
Customers are asked to provide an email address when paying fees online. This is required in order to receive notification of their payments and so that the Association can communicate with owners to this email address. This may then be used to change or update the contact information we currently have on file. Customers can opt out of receiving any communication by emailing the following email address:
Unless as we state at the time we request information, we do not disclose to any third party the information provided. The Springside Residents’ Association does not use this billing information for marketing or promotional purposes. We do not store, retain, or use the information provided, except for the sole purpose of credit card processing.
The Springside Residents’ Association may also collect certain information from visitors to our sites, such as Internet addresses. This information is logged to help diagnose technical problems and to administer our website in order to constantly improve the quality of service.
Third Party Sites
Our website contains links to other websites. The Springside Residents’ Association is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these other sites. Users will need to check the privacy statement of these other websites to understand their policies. Users who access a linked site may be disclosing their private information. It is the responsibility of the user to keep such information private and confidential.
Opt-Out Policy
The Springside Residents’ Association offers users a means to choose how we may use information provided. If, at any time after registering for information or paying fees, you change your mind about receiving information from us, send us a request specifying your new choice. Send your request to:
We reserve the right to change this document at any time. All current customers will be notified of the change via email. The notice would include directions on how customers may respond to the change.