Fence Maintenance
Undertaking some upkeep on your fence? Here’s all the information you’ll need to maintain the look and feel of the fences in our community.
Wooden fences (lattice or screen style), regardless of who built them, found within or adjacent to your property are your responsibility to maintain as detailed in the restrictive covenants registered on the title of your property. Cloverdale Paint (1935 – 37 Street SW – 403.242.7700) has the fence stain colour on file. It is titled Springside Taupe and filed under Springside.
Decorative and sound (aka stucco) walls are the shared responsibility of the homeowner and the Springside Residents’ Association. In 2022, the SRA will paint and repair where necessary, the community-facing sides of the stucco fences along Wentworth Drive as well as along the perimeter of the community along Bow Trail and 85th Street.
As of August 12, 2022, there is a NEW paint colour, chosen by the Board, for the stucco walls called Allspice (CA042). The old paint colour was Tan Sand Stucco. Both are available at Cloverdale Paint, 1935 – 37 Street SW – 403.242.7700.